About us

Na fotografiji tri osebe sedijo na klopi v galeriji in gledajo množico fotografij, ki portretov

The majority of people with impaired vision, hearing, reading, speech, mobility or mental or cognitive capacities are able live on their own. There is no reason for them not to actively participate in all walks of life where they can contribute to social progress and fully develop their potential.

Insider encourages the involvement of disabled persons and persons with various disabilities in social activities and public spaces.



Na sliki so tri osebe, ki si zatiskajo oči, ušesa ali usta.Insider’s vision is to encourage accessibility and involvement of persons with disabilities in culture and in society. We wish to provide disabled persons with improved access to culture, education, employment and other public activities. Our mission is to raise awareness and educate all significant stakeholders in our society and thus improve social involvement of persons with disabilities as well as their overall social standing. We have developed training programmes and courses for vulnerable groups to expand the knowledge and skills of disabled persons and thus improve their employability, social activity and independence.

An Insider is a person who has the knowledge and skills for active participation in society and the environment without obstacles.



Na sliki so narisani različni obrazi z drugačnimi frizurami in izrazi. There are many people with disabilities in Europe and worldwide. Every fourth citizen of Europe has a disabled family member. In Europe persons with disabilities represent around 80 million (15 to 20 percent) of population, while there are approximately 170 thousand in Slovenia (12 to 13 percent of the population). To this number, we can also add all those with impaired vision, hearing, mobility or cognitive function who also require certain adaptations but don’t hold a disability certificate. These further include a significant number of senior citizens, who face similar problems to those faced by the disabled. In Slovenia, 17.5 percent of the population is currently considered elderly, and the percentage is expected to increase to 20 to 30 percent in the following few decades.


Na sliki je narisana oseba, ki ima pri ušesih narisano oznako za zvočni signal. In countries with average lifespans over 70, the average individual spends about eight years of their life living with a disability.

The great majority wants persons with disabilities to be as involved in society as possible. All we need is awareness and the will to adapt our environment and communication in such a manner as to allow all of us to live as active members of society.

Insider tries to raise awareness that we’re all living together, each with own needs, desires and abilities.